Parenting Resources
Some are about the Nurtured Heart Approach® and others support this journey in complementary ways.
Parent Resources
I am constantly reviewing the work that others share – for my own learning and to pass along.
As I learn and discover new things through articles, books, videos, other websites etc. that provide inspiration, validation, support, a new perspective or helpful tools, I will share them here.
My intention is to help support your journey and I hope that these resources resonate with you or raise questions for you. Enjoy and please contact me with your comments and questions. Many of these, as well as additional material and inspiration, are also posted regularly on my Facebook page and my Instagram page.
I also write a number of my own articles and send out regular newsletters. You can read my writings on my blog or sign up for my newsletter. My newsletter is filled with reading, resources, offerings, announcements and a variety of inspiration to fuel your day.
Book Resources
Transforming The Difficult Child
This is the most updated version and is the foundational book on the Nurtured Heart Approach. It is a good introduction to NHA providing all the concepts, notions, and tools.
Transforming the Intense Child Workbook
A companion book or as a stand-alone, this workbook adds practice and tools application guidance to all the foundations of the Nurtured Heart Approach. I really appreciate the shift in language from ‘difficult’ child to ‘intense’ child!
Notching Up
Geared toward educators, this is the foundational Nurtured Heart Approach book for use in schools and classrooms. It explores all the concepts, notions, and tools to use in those settings.
Taking a Stand
I love this book! Many people struggle with the HOW of the reset and this book provides real-life examples, stories, as well as suggestions to make this key component of your NHA journey more effective and accessible.
Igniting Greatness
Use the Nurtured Heart Approach on yourself! A critical aspect of feeling the full power of this approach is being able to see our own greatness and find our own self-regulation.
Fearless Parenting
A book full of practical support and inspiration to bring the Nurtured Heart Approach fully alive in your home.
Nurture My Heart
A lyrical story about how the Nurtured Heart Approach can be applied in day to day activities. With an overview of the approach included, it jumps right into what it can look like.
To Your Greatness
I love this book as a gift. It is a keepsake of reminders about the greatness that lives in us all and how it prepares us for the road ahead.
Change It Up
This book includes exercises to help guide tweens and teens to focus on who they truly are as they navigate the new experiences at this time of life.
The Greatness Chair
This is the first in a series of children’s books about helping them to learn to see their own greaness.
Sarah and The Greatness Chair
A follow-on to The Greatness Chair, Sarah also finds her way to start to see and value her own greatness.
Casey’s Greatness Wings
Grounded in the Nurtured Heart Approach, this book focuses on relationships and building attachments. Great for the 5+ crowd but also useful for all ages, it involves sensory learning and teaching children about their Greatness.
Tell Me About Your Greatness
An engaging way for young readers to begin to focus on and talk about the greatness in themselves as well as others.
Saturday Surprise
This is the first in a series of children’s stories that explores the application of each of the 4 Nurtured Heart Approach recognition techniques.
Playtime Pickle
The second in the series, this story for young children dives into the application of Experiential Recognitions.
Video Resources
This video is a compilation of people talking about NHA and their experience with it. It includes parents, educators, psychologists, social workers etc. They discuss the impact and gift of this approach. Click Here to view a shorter version.
This video gives a quick overview of the 3 Stands™ which are the foundational pieces of the approach.
This video is a TED Talk by Sarah How (NHA Advanced Trainer). The beginning is a lovely moment to digest the truth of learning who we are and yearning so deeply for connection. She adds her own spin based on her experience as a school psychologist, author and adoptive parent.
Tanya Fraizer, Director of Outreach and Trainer Network for the Children’s Success Foundation, explains the Nurtured Heart Approach and how it can reduce and even prevent bullying in children of all ages.
There are so many great articles I can reference, but these are the best. Click on the title to see a blurb of the article.
A Radically Positive Parenting Technique: The Nurtured Heart Approach
“Do you have a child with ADHD who just won’t listen or follow any rules? Is the situation so difficult that it feels hopeless? If so, the Nurtured Heart Approach created by therapist Howard Glasser might be the answer to your struggles. Learn about the Nurtured Heart Approach and how you can reconnect with your child.” Read the article
Why I Ditched Our ‘Behavior Plan” to Witness Greatness
A blog post from a Counsellor and parent who discovered and has experienced the gift of NHA. Behavior Plans. Many of us either currently use one or have used one in the past in hopes that our children will follow the rules. We focus on all of the negative behaviors that our children are exhibiting. Read the Article
Speak With Kindness: How Your Words Literally Restructure Your Brain
This article is a great resource for finding our ‘reset’ – that moment between action and reaction/response. It is a reminder that we all struggle with our emotions sometimes and we all react in ways we wish we didn’t …. and we have a choice. The article below is specific to anger and has some wise and practical tips. Read the Article
20 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Angry with Someone
This article is a great resource for finding our ‘reset’ – that moment between action and reaction/response. It is a reminder that we all struggle with our emotions sometimes and we all react in ways we wish we didn’t …. and we have a choice. The article below is specific to anger and has some wise and practical tips. Read the Article
The Trouble with “No!”
I just read this article and thought that it did a really great job of outlining how our energy needs to be congruent with our intention. As a fellow NHA trainer, the author articulates this all in the context of the approach. Read the Article
Not a Teachable Moment
This article by a fellow NHA trainer provides some of the neurobiological support for how The Nurtured Heart Approach® can work so effectively. It empowers you to create teachable moments and to build the core beliefs children need to act out their greatness. Read the Article
Combating ADHD : The Mechanics of Medication-Free Parenting
This is an eloquent overview of NHA. Although the title suggests it is specific to ADHD, the article itself pertains to all children. Read the Article
Schools Take The Nurtured Heart Approach
NHA in the news building success in school! Read the Article.
ADHD : Being Different Is Not An Illness
This article is out of the UK and is a very interesting take on ADHD and the need for medication. It cites NHA as an alternative in this excerpt – “Sami Timimi’s clinic in Lincolnshire advocates a group therapy approach that focuses on “relationship building” rather than “behavioural control”, using some of the techniques of NHA (Nurtured Heart Approach) therapy, which involves teachers and parents in a process of developing strategies to transform negative behaviours into positive behaviours. Timimi hasn’t prescribed Ritalin to a single child for five years, and claims a 76 percent “clinically significant improvement” rate among those patients he discharges.” Read the Article
To the Mom of the Child with Sensory Processing Disorder
One Mom’s experience with her son is summed up beautifully in her statement – ‘The best is instilling self-worth in him every single day’. Every child is different and The Nurtured Heart Approach® gives us all the tools to instil self-worth within them – regardless of the challenges. Read the Article
What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong?
This work is similar to NHA. Although it is not work by Howard Glasser, it supports the same belief that traditional methods based on negativity not only don’t work but can also make things worse – ‘consequences have consequences’. What makes a difference is the flip side. Feed the positive qualities so they can grow and set children up for success! Read the Article
A Better Kind Of Discipline
While this article is focused on the need for improved techniques for dealing with challenging behaviours in the school system, I see it as equally important for parents and caregivers to have these same tools. The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a very effective way to focus on the positive, give no energy to the negative all while building the inner wealth of the child. Win, win, win. Read the Article page not found
How to Instill Intrinsic Motivation
The article below has some helpful tips about intrinsic motivation. It is those inner beliefs and feelings that lead to personal successes in the long term. Without an internal reservoir of positive feelings about our capabilities and possibilities, we rely on external conditions which may or may not be available or within our control. The Nurtured Heart Approach® is an excellent way to do this. Read the Article
When Your Child’s Exceptionality is Emotional: Looking Beyond Psychiatric Diagnosis
In the article below, some possibilities are explored around a child’s behaviour. I found that the reference to gifted children can easily be broadened to refer to any behaviour – there is more than 1 way to interpret and therefore respond to a behaviour. By looking at the options around the source, we can explore other options around the response. The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a wonderful tool for responding. Read the Article
The Drugging of the American Boy
This is a link to an article in Esquire Magazine about the prevalence of the ADHD diagnosis, especially with young boys. It highlights some of the concerns that should be considered and how The Nurtured Heart Approach® can help. While slanted toward the US, I found it very interesting. Read the Article
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