
A Gift For Everyone – Today and All Year Long.

Soooo, it is that time again!  Time to search for the 'perfect' gift. That special something that makes another person light up on the inside. Need Inspiration? Try this gift and give authentically from the heart! More and more, I talk to people that are growing weary...

Busy, Overwhelmed and Stressed? 3 New Ways to Manage.

When is the last time you didn’t feel busy? When was the last time you were catching up with friends and no one commented on how busy they are? I know that I feel busy a lot of the time. I also know that many people around me feel the same way.  So, this summer,...

Overwhelmed? 2 Questions and 3 Parts to Change.

I was talking to friend the other day and we were each sharing our own feelings of having so much to do. Some of this is self induced for sure. Other topics became a bit of a joke staring with 'Did you hear....' or 'I just read....' .  Apparently, I eat the wrong...

Using Mindfulness to Support Emotional Health

Depending on your personal interests and practices, mindfulness may be a large part of what you are already very grounded in. Maybe you are aware of it, are working with it or have no interest in it. For me, using mindfulness to support emotional health can be very...

You and Your Emotional Health

Have you ever struggled in your life? Do you notice that similar patterns repeat themselves? Are your relationships and experiences with others what you want them to be? Maybe you experience emotions that you feel unable to manage. Perhaps they get expressed in ways...



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